These unsightly looking stains and skin protuberances resembling birthmarks occur mainly in patients of an older age and in men in a little higher rate than in women. They may be a symptom of an imbalance in the body. Many times they are attributed to elevated cholesterol, but it is very difficult to determine what causes them. The good news, however, is that their removal is very simple in today's medical treatment.
Indications to remove xanthelasma
Xanthelasma appears in patients usually as symmetrically crescent-shaped deposits, most commonly in the area of the nasal root. It is advisable to combine the procedure directly with the eyelid plastic surgery since the bulge of the skin in the eye area as well as xanthelasma appears earlier in middle and older age. Therefore, virtually everyone who suffers from the formation of these brown skin protuberances is also a suitable candidate for plastic surgery of sagging eyelids.
Before surgery
A preoperative examination is required. At least one week before the procedure, you should stop using blood thinners. It is a recommended to consult your attending physician about the suitability of interrupting the use of this medication. It is also necessary to have arranged transport home before the operation as it is not advisable to drive a car after the procedure.
Operation progress
Surgery takes place in an operating room under local anaesthesia. The patient is conscious, but he/she does not feel anything. The procedure even with preparation takes about an hour, so it is relatively fast. The classical surgical method removes both the fat and excess skin along with xanthelasma. Fine suture material is used for the stitches, which does not leave scars after healing. The stitches are usually removed after a week. This is a one-time procedure, but in the event of a recurrence of xanthelasma or a regression of quality in skin quality in the eyelid area, the operation can be undergone again. If there is not an excessive quantity of skin, only xanthelasma itself is surgically removed.
After surgery, it is recommended to rest for at least two days and cover the operated area with cold compresses to prevent bruising. Gel goggles can also help. The patient can return to work the third day after surgery if the dressing is without complications. After the operation, the eyes may be light sensitive, but wearing sunglasses will solve the problem. Swelling of the eye disappears within a week. It is advisable to avoid sports activities for two to three weeks. In many patients, traces of the procedure are almost invisible after a month. The rule is that the wound heals less satisfactorily in smokers.
The operation itself entails only minimal risks. However, it is necessary to affix scar treatment sheets over the scar after surgery. If this is not done, there is a risk of permanent detachment of the eyelid in the direction away from the eye. It is also important to protect fresh scars from injury because then there is the risk of inflammation. In order to avoid complications, it is recommended to use the sheets for about a week after the sutures have been removed, especially at night. In order to speed up the treatment, some medicines, vitamins and dietary supplements should be avoided one week before the procedure. Our on-site physician can be consulted. Eyelid surgery cannot be performed, if the patient has an ocular infection, which needs to be healed first.