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Dermaheal Stem C'rum SR is the only product on the market containing extracts from stem cells from adipocyte tissue. If you want to make the skin really luxurious, you are in the right place.

Composition (major active ingredients)

The conception of this product was based on a unique composition. Extracts from stem cells support the formation of new skin cells, thus rejuvenating the skin. The growth factors contained enhance skin elasticity by inducing the synthesis of collagen, elastin and other ECM (extracellular matrix – intercellular space).

After application of the whole treatment, the skin is visibly rejuvenated, maximally hydrated and regenerated. Stem C’rum SR (Skin Rejuvenation) is the only product on the market that contains stem cells from the human adipocyte, not ineffective extracts from different plants.


The extract from stem cells helps with proliferation, thus multiplying present skin cells, which visibly rejuvenates the skin. In total, 6 growth factors in the skin induce the synthesis of collagen, elastin and other intercellular space components. This reduces existing fine wrinkles, and the skin is ideally hydrated. Niacinamide (vitamin B3) also contributes to good skin condition.

During treatment

Stem cells (using a vial containing 5 ml) are applied directly to the entire treated site with a micro-needle to a predetermined depth of the skin in a precisely defined quantity by the VITAL INJECTOR ™ SYSTEM. The procedure is mildly painful but takes a short time and does not require local anaesthesia. After surgery, the skin may be slightly reddish, or may appear to have minor bruises. After treatment, it is not recommended to apply make-up to the treatment site. You can happily use make-up without restrictions for the next few days. We recommend repeated application at least 2-3 times with a 3-4 week interval.


  • Creating skin cells removes already existing fine wrinkles and prevents the emergence of new ones.
  • It is a unique product with unique composition.
  • It offers an effective solution to reduce wrinkles and to completely rejuvenate the skin.
  • The treatment effectively reduces acne scars.


It is applied in the area of ​​the face, neck, décolletage and dorsum of the hands.



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