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Vitamin C’s positive effects on the immune system along with various other means of protecting oneself from viral and other infections are widely discussed at present by experts from all around the world. Its use in treatment as well as prevention is nothing new. The coronavirus pandemic has further increased its importance.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the human body. It helps in the prevention of oncological diseases and vascular disorders. In addition, it helps with stress reduction and is essential for the proper functioning of connective tissue, skin elasticity, fracture healing and so on.

Vitamin C is also an essential antioxidant, which contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and plays a primary and indispensable role in the reduction of oxidative stress. However, since the human body is not capable of producing its own vitamin C, it is necessary to supply it to the body whether through a balanced diet, mainly by eating lots of fruit and vegetables, or by infusion.

While experiencing increased mental or physical strain and stress or while suffering from various diseases like acute and chronic inflammatory disorders or oncological diseases, the human body considerably increases its demand for this vitamin.

Preventive administration of vitamin C by infusion is the easiest way to strengthen the immune system of our body and to “recharge our batteries”.

The procedure is painless and takes only about 40 minutes. It requires you only to lie down and relax and after the treatment, you can immediately return to your regular daily activities. Why then not indulge your body with something so simple and beneficial?

Why is vitamin C so essential for the body?

The human body is not capable of producing its own vitamin C. The vitamin, however, is of great importance for the human body - it is essential for our metabolism to function properly, and it helps with the production of collagen, which is key for strong joints, blood vessel walls, etc. It is crucial for the proper absorption of iron, which affects the production and function of red blood cells and for detoxification of foreign substances in the liver. Vitamin C is also key for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It helps in healing wounds, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and acts as a prevention against bacterial and viral infections as well as a supportive treatment for other pathological conditions. Its deficiency in the body poses the risk of the development of oncological or chronic diseases.

Vitamin C deficiency can occur, for example, in these cases:


If the level of vitamin C in the body is very low, there is a significantly greater risk of developing a disease caused by oxidative stress. Serious vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy, symptoms of which include bleeding, anaemia and inadequate wound healing. Even less serious vitamin C deficiency can result in an increased concentration of harmful cholesterol, which poses a risk to heart and blood vessels. It also leads to an increase in the level of oxidative stress, which is responsible for the development of various chronic and inflammatory issues. These issues can consequently lead to allergies, depression, osteoporosis, recurrent infections or even chronic fatigue syndrome.

Vitamin C helps in the prevention against flu, vascular and autoimmune diseases and against tumour proliferation. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and mental endurance.

Vitamin C infusion therapy and its proven effects

  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • A concentrated amount of vitamin C in the body is essential for our health
  • Supportive treatment for various diseases, allergies, infections, rheumatism or arthritis
  • Aids in targeted removal of cancerous cells
  • Stress reduction
  • Vascular disease prevention
  • Key antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Positive effect on skin elasticity and on the production of collagen
  • Pigmentation treatment
  • Vitamin C is important for the proper functioning of the entire human body, which is exposed nowadays to many negative influences, mainly to oxidative stress, which causes the production of an abnormal amount of oxygen free radicals that are harmful for the human body. Oxygen free radicals are aggressive substances that destroy healthy tissues and are the cause of many acute and chronic processes in the body (like cancer, degenerative diseases, liver, kidney and skin diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory system disorders).

If oxidative stress lasts for a long time and is not treated by an infusion of vitamin C, which is capable of protecting healthy cells, it causes the spread of acute infections that consequently contribute to inflammation processes in the body.

Vitamin C can be found in high concentrations in multiple organs

Factors causing oxidative stress

  • Air pollution (ozone, exhaust fumes)
  • Physical fatigue
  • Lasting mental strain
  • UV radiation
  • Application of cytostatics
  • Oncological diseases
  • Chronic inflammations (e.g. inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes)
  • Antioxidant deficiency

Difference between the administration of vitamin C by infusion and orally (by mouth)

Due to the low concentration of vitamin C in the blood after the oral administration of the vitamin, this type of administration results in very few medicinal effects because of the absorption limits of the gut wall, which only allows for the regular (physiological) effect. Higher concentration of vitamin C in the blood (10-15x higher) necessary to achieve preventive and therapeutic (medicinal) effects that ensure the proper function of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular system can be attained only by intravenous administration - by infusion of vitamin C (in a dose of 100 mg/kg of weight, i.e. 7.5 g of vitamin). This dosage is not accompanied by any adverse reactions in patients with normal renal function.

Comparison of vitamin C levels in blood

Clinical studies dealing with the effectiveness of high-dose vitamin C

Various clinical studies have shown that many diseases such as allergies, including atopic dermatitis, and other dermatological diseases (like psoriasis), rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), fatigue syndrome or depressive disorder are accompanied by a low level of vitamin C. The beneficial role of high doses of vitamin C in the human body is also highlighted by many clinical studies.

Administration of vitamin C by infusion helps during oncological treatments

High doses of vitamin C and its antioxidant effects contribute to the protection of healthy cells by which they strengthen the immunity against tumours, nourish the body and suppress the multiplication of some types of malignant cells. Vitamin C infusion therapy has an impact on the targeted removal of cancerous cells and helps in combating metastasis, which is attributed to vitamin C’s ability to inhibit the development of a tumour. What is considered important is that, in the immediate surroundings of cancerous cells, vitamin C enters into biochemical reactions that result in the creation of hydrogen peroxide, which is highly toxic for the cancerous cell and which has the ability to destroy this type of cell. This of course does not apply to healthy cells in which case this process does not occur because hydrogen peroxide is not created in their surroundings in such volume. A healthy cell contains enzymes that are able to decrease (reduce) the volume of hydrogen peroxide. A cancerous cell, however, does not produce such enzymes, so it is not protected from hydrogen peroxide.

Vitamin C infusion therapy is recommended if a person suffers from:

  • Stress
  • Mental strain and significant physical strain
  • Allergies
  • Oncological diseases in all stages
  • Mental disorders
  • Repeated infectious diseases
  • Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes
  • Rheumatism (joint pain), arthritis, Crohn's disease, thyroiditis
  • Hair loss
  • Urological problems
  • Infusion therapy is also suitable for anyone who is going to have or already has had invasive surgery. Vitamin C deficiency before surgery can be manifested in inflammatory diseases of the skin, rheumatism, cardiovascular disorders or infections. Vitamin C deficiency during surgery can, on the other hand, impede the healing of wounds and can cause swelling, infection, and pain. Depletion of vitamin C during surgery is significantly increased.
  • This is also a reason why high-dose vitamin C infusion therapy is suitable before as well as after surgeries.

Mediators of inflammation can contribute to formation of keloids and hyperpigmentation – vitamin C has inherent anti-inflammatory effects

The process of vitamin C infusion therapy treatment

A cannula is inserted by a simple venepuncture through which the infusion of vitamin C flows into blood. Duration of the treatment is about 40 minutes. For flu and cold, it is necessary to repeat the treatment 2-3x per week for 2 weeks, and for 12 weeks for oncological diseases. The dosage varies depending on the type of a disease. Information about the dosage and answers to other questions about vitamin C infusion therapy will be provided to you by our specialist staff during a consultation before the therapy.

During the 24 hours after the treatment, it is recommended to stay hydrated (daily 2 l water intake), to avoid eating the types of food that contribute to formation of gallstones (coffee, cocoa, chocolate, beans), and to avoid taking diuretics.

Vitamin C infusion therapy is not recommended for patients:

  • with gallstones or renal impairment
  • suffering from anaemia
  • pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • who suffer from haemochromatosis
  • vitamin C can have an impact on the effect of blood-thinning medication (Warfarin)
  • it can amplify the effect of anti-platelet aggregation medication (Anopyrin, Godasal)
  • patients before blood tests – it can lead to an inaccurate result in regard to the level of blood sugar

Vitamin C infusion does not contain any preservatives. It is the body’s own substance, so an allergic reaction is highly improbable.

The precondition for the administration of vitamin C infusion is to have healthy kidneys.



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