Woman Man
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Woman Man
Woman Man
A miracle called retinol. A non-invasive treatment using a 3% medical grade retinol peel that can very effectively soothe, brighten and unify the appearance of the skin.

The retinol peel works on the principle of intensive regeneration of the superficial and deeper layers of the skin, where retinol stimulates the gradual formation of new collagen fibres. This results in increased skin elasticity, leading to an overall lifting of the skin with smoothing of fine lines.

In addition, retinol can also very effectively reduce pigment spots, soften skin texture and acne scars.

Retinol reduces acne scars

Retinol fights simultaneously on three fronts: wrinkles, unwanted pigmentation and acne. Retinol peels are particularly suitable for oily skin with a coarser texture, as retinol has a beneficial effect on skin laxity, tightens enlarged pores, softens skin and reduces acne scars.

The treatment is easy and usually takes no longer than 30 minutes.

After the application of the retinol peel

After the application of the retinol peel, the client leaves it on the skin without neutralization for 3 to 8 hours. During this time, he/she must not expose the skin to the direct sun or apply any other beauty products to it.

Afterwards, the client washes it off at home with clean water and applies a moisturizing ointment cream. The slight redness will disappear within a couple of hours after application.

Over the next 2-4 days, the upper layers of the skin gradually peel off, which is most pronounced on the 3rd day (depending on the intensity of the treatment).

The effect of the treatment is visible within a few days, while the new collagen formation in the subcutaneous tissue occurs gradually over the next few weeks.

retinol peeling

For optimal effect of the treatment we recommend a series of 3 treatments 3-4 weeks apart.

It is advisable to undergo the treatment between autumn and spring, outside the months with intense sunlight, because a few days after the treatment the skin is more sensitive, shuffles, is susceptible and needs to be intensively protected from the sun with creams with a high protection factor.



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