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Omnilux – a unique method to rejuvenate the skin

Omnilux offers you a unique innovation in skin rejuvenation. Get rid of wrinkles and feel more confident. Learn about the unique Omnilux device that helps with many skin-related problems.

People around us are constantly talking about the harmfulness of sunlight and the unpleasant effects of UVA and UVB radiation on our skin. This type of radiation produces free radicals that damage skin cells and cause premature skin ageing.

However, not every type of radiation is harmful to our skin. In contrast, certain wavelengths of the light spectrum benefit it. They can stimulate skin cells and lead to an overall improvement in skin condition. Positive properties of light are used in photo-therapy. This type of radiation is available from Omnilux.

What is Omnilux used for?

The system acts as a skin switch, triggering natural processes that result in skin rejuvenation. It significantly increases collagen production and reactivates cells.

It is also widely used for non-invasive rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolletage, reduction of wrinkles and promoting tautness of the skin and acceleration of healing, as well as for the treatment of joint and muscle pain and treatment of psoriasis.

Furthermore, for the treatment of acne and actinic keratosis, rays effectively destroy Propionibacterium, the bacterium which causes acne, without resulting in other adverse reactions in the body.

It promotes healing and works greatly in the treatment of skin tumours within photodynamic therapy.

To ensure the best absorption of the active ingredients applied topically on the skin prior to treatment thanks to the space-adjustable LED panels, the entire treatment area is irradiated with the same intensity from all sides.

How does Omnilux work?


See how Omnilux works. In its technology Omnilux uses a special LED, which emits narrowband light of specific wavelengths. Therapies are painless and safe with no side effects, and there is no need for a recovery period. The system consists of a base and a tilting head that can be precisely adjusted to the area of ​​the face or body being treated.

The wavelength of light is able to penetrate deeply into the skin to interfere with its structures. Light stimulation then triggers natural reactions in skin cells, which results in synthesis, collagen synthesis and accelerated healing processes. Stimulated skin cells work better, and the skin is healthy, better hydrated and congested.

Say farewell to wrinkles and constant skin problems. Our eveclinic is the only facility that performs the fast and effective Omnilux therapy. Experience the unique effects of the device for yourself and book your first treatment.



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