A new PDO Lift method has been developed for clients who are looking to rejuvenate and strengthen the skin in many places not only in the facial area. The greatest advantage of this procedure is that it is a non-surgical treatment. The firming of different parts of the body can be achieved through its application. It is currently one of the most in-demand treatments. It is also called prime lift, tread lift or meso-thread lifting, but in all cases it is a matter of the same procedure.
What materials are used for meso-thread lifting?
- Biodegradable fibres are used. These threads are inserted into flaccid and loose tissues with the aid of a special purpose needle. The threads subsequently promote collagen production and, with their support, create new collagen networks. This process rejuvenates the skin and makes it taut.
- The main component of the fibre is polydioxanone coated in hyaluronic acid. This material is completely absorbable and biodegradable.
- The effect after application of the fibres lasts up to two years, and the threads are absorbed in 6-8 months.
- This treatment does not place stress on the body and, if desired, can be combined with other rejuvenating methods.
- After application, slight swelling, bruising and contusions may develop at the site of the procedure. Slight asymmetry in the face is also common, or clients may also feel hypersensitivity after treatment. However, all of these manifestations are temporary and disappear within days.
- Reduction and smoothing of fine wrinkles or reducing of deep wrinkles
- Skin brightening and better skin elasticity and texture
- Lifting effect in the applied area
- Preventing flaccid skin and delaying the visible ageing process
When is it possible to undergo treatment with meso-thread lifting?
The most suitable places for application of the threads are the flaccid parts of the face with loss of contours. The method is also used to make the eyebrows taut or remove wrinkles around the eyes and lips. Excellent results are achieved when we apply the product to the chin, neck and décolletage. Furthermore, the fibres can also be applied to the arms or abdomen. It is no exception that the PDO Lift is also used to even the skin after liposuction.
Treatment benefits:
- The treatment is simple and safe.
- The duration of the procedure takes only about 30 minutes.
- The results persist up to 2 years.
- There are no cuts and no scars.
- Threads are invisible after application.
- The fibres are completely absorbable, and the procedure is easily repeatable.
- Concealing make-up can be worn immediately after the treatment.

When is it not possible to undergo the treatment?
- If a client suffers from infectious diseases (e.g. influenza)
- If inflammation occurs in the application area
- If a client is diagnosed with cancer
- If keloid scarring is present
- If a client is pregnant