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Safe and effective tattoo removal using the most advanced Curas Hybrid laser machine with Q-switched Nd technology. Get rid of unwanted tattoo quickly and with minimum recovery period.

What is tattoo removal?

Tattoo removal is a modern laser treatment, which can effectively and safety remove tattoo pigment from the skin. At our clinic, we use the latest Curas Hybrid laser machine with Q-switched Nd technology.

This technology can decompose a wide range of colour pigments and minimize a risk of skin damage.

How does Q-switched Nd laser work?

Curas Hybrid is an exceptional laser machine made by ilooda Co., which is one of the world's leading manufacturers of medical devices.

It uses a technology of two wavelengths, which allows targeted distribution of various tattoo colours. The wavelengths of 532 nm and 1064 nm are effective in the decomposition of deep-deposited pigments while the surrounding tissues are protected.

  tatoo removal process

Benefits of tattoo removal with the Curas Hybrid laser machine

  • Effectiveness: The Curas Hybrid laser can remove tattoos of all colours. However, it is important to note that different types of ink require different intensities of laser energy and some inks are very difficult to remove. Among the most difficult are green and its shades. The age and depth of the tattoo also play a role.
  • Minimum pain: Only local anaesthesia is needed.
  • Fast recovery: Shorter healing time compared to other types of lasers.
  • Safety: The risk of skin damage is minimized by accurate procedure.

laser tatoo removal photo

Treatment process

The darker the tattoo pigment, the weaker laser discharge is used. Conversely, a stronger laser discharge is required for lighter pigments. The treatment is adapted to the particular tattoo type, the paints and their intensity. It means that the degree of discomfort is individual, depending on the required laser intensity.

  1. Each treatment is preceded by a consultation where the specialist examines the type of your skin and the specific features of your tattoo. He checks the size, determines the price of the tattoo removal and the number of required treatments.
  2. The tattoo removal procedure is slightly painful and most of the clients can cope with it very well. The sensations are most frequently described as slight stinging or brief burning when the laser pulse is in action. Before the laser treatment, nothing (not even anaesthetic cream) is applied to the skin. The skin must be clean, disinfected and completely dry.
  3. Before the actual procedure, the specialist performs 2 to 3 trial points (laser pulses to the skin) to determine the correct laser intensity and then performs the actual process.
  4. The laser with two wavelengths affects the pigment in a targeted way and subsequently the pigment is naturally excreted from the body.
  5. Immediately after the treatment, the skin can slightly swell or redden, which is normal and which disappears within a few hours or days.


Immediately after the treatment, the skin usually swells, reddens and becomes more sensitive. Sometimes blisters (dry or fluid-filled) or minor spot bleeding may appear.

To achieve optimum results and to minimize a risk of complications, care of the skin is very important before the tattoo laser removal. The skin-care and recovery include the following steps:

Skin-care after tattoo laser removal treatment

  • Keep the treated area clean and dry: Maintain thorough hygiene the first days after the treatment. Gently wash the treated area with clean water, avoid aggressive soaps or peeling.
  • No antibiotic ointments must be applied to the skin until complete healing.
  • You can gently wash the treated area, but not before eight hours after the treatment. The skin must be gently, but thoroughly dried and must remain dry until complete healing. It must not be treated by any agents or abrasive peelings.
  • Potential blisters must not be peeled off or punctured. The same applies to scabs and crusts – no manual removal or lubrication.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: After the laser treatment, the skin is very sensitive to UV radiation. You should protect the area from sunlight for at least 4-6 weeks and use a high-protection sun cream (SPF 50+) if you cannot avoid exposure to the sunlight.
  • Do not scratch or strain the treated area: You may experience slight itching or swelling, which is normal, but you should abstain from scratching in order to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Avoid swimming pools and saunas: During the first week, avoid swimming pools, saunas and activities that might lead to excessive sweating to prevent infection.

The skin heals within 7 to 45 days after the treatment. The healing speed and progress depend on the extent and type of the tattoo (pigment colour and type, depth of tattoo).


Tattoo removal using the Q-switched Nd laser technology such as the Curas Hybrid is designed to minimize skin damage and therefore the risk of scars is low. If the treated skin is correctly regenerated and the client keeps all the recommendations, the healing can be smooth, free of scars.

The recovery usually takes several days or weeks, depending on the skin nature and the extent of the treatment. Immediately after the treatment, the skin can slightly redden or swell, but these symptoms usually disappear within 1-3 days, but the healing period may be longer with more sensitive skin.

tatoo removal before and after photo


  • active herpes anywhere on the body
  • diabetes
  • suspected malignant skin tumour
  • patients with ongoing corticosteroid and/or retinoid therapy
  • patients susceptible to pathological healing

Possible side effects of treatment

  • Redness
  • Blistering
  • scarring
  • different types of pigmentation
  • Sunburn of the skin
  • Bleeding of the skin


After the Curas Hybrid laser treatment, the first results are often visible after a few weeks when the tattoo pigment gradually starts to decompose and naturally leave the body. However, the exact period when the results become visible depends on individual factors:

  • Tattoo colour and depth: Lighter colours may require more numerous treatments, while darker inks usually decompose faster.
  • Tattoo size and location on the body: Larger tattoos or tattoos located in areas poorly supplied with blood may require a longer period before the effect becomes visible.
  • Immune system: The pigment removing process is supported by the immune system, so it can vary individually.

We generally recommend several treatments, usually within 4 to 8 weeks, so that the skin has time to recover and the body can excrete the remains of the pigment. The laser treatment must be carried out repeatedly according to the tattoo extent and type. The intervals between the individual treatments must be at least six weeks.

removal of tattoo before/after

The success of the treatment is determined by the complexity and size of the image, type of the paint, depth of paint penetration, age of the tattoo and the skin phototype.

There is never a complete guarantee of entire tattoo removal. Reduction of the image to a structure invisible by the naked eye is regarded as a positive result. Dark blue, blue and black tattoos are the easiest to remove but red, green and yellow are more complicated. Images on large skin areas and old motifs covered by new tattoos are also problematic.

If the client is a smoker, the resulting effect can be negatively affected and the prediction of the result impaired.

There is never a complete guarantee of entire tattoo removal. Reduction of the image to a structure invisible by the naked eye is regarded as a positive result.

Price of tattoo removal

The price is determined individually, depending on the size and the complexity of removal. We will gladly provide information during a consultation.


Frequently asked questions

Is tattoo removal painful?

  • The treatment using the Curas Hybrid machine is minimally painful. Most of the patients experience slight stinging or heat.

How many treatments are needed?

  • The number of the treatments depends on the tattoo size and colour. To achieve an optimum result, 3 to 5 sessions are required.

Can the treatment leave scars?

  • Tattoo removal using the Curas Hybrid laser machine is designed to minimize damage to the skin. Therefore, it leaves no scars.

How should I prepare for the treatment?

  • You should avoid sunbathing and using agents that can irritate the skin. Our specialist will give you all the specific instructions.

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