Protruding ears tend to be a frequent source of mockery. This problem can accompany a person from early childhood to adolescence. Such stress can significantly affect the psychological development of the child as well as the mental state of an adolescent. Some types of people find it difficult to cope with such a disability and treat it through cosmetic surgery.
How will the preparation be made and surgery performed?
The first and crucial step before the decision to perform the procedure should be a personal consultation by a patient with a plastic surgeon, during which the physician assesses the current state of the ear and at the same time learns about the psychological condition of the patient, as well as his/her motivation to undergo this procedure.
If, after consultation, the patient decides on the procedure, the doctor will inform him/her in detail about the course of the operation and will provide him/her with preoperative instructions.
Prior to the operation, the physician evaluates the condition of the ear’s skin and its surroundings, the condition of the cartilage, height of the angular deviation and possible ear deformities. The procedure itself is performed under local anaesthesia. The principle of surgery is to loosen the back of the ear, disconnect the muscles of the ear, narrow the cartilage, shape the auricle and then stitch it to a suitable place. The goal is to bring the prominent auricles closer to the head, eventually to reduce the size or correct the shape of the ear. This surgery is most often performed in children aged 5-14 years. The duration of the procedure is approximately two hours.
Very small children usually undergo surgery under general anaesthesia. Otherwise the procedure is performed under local anaesthesia.
Possible side effects
Temporary pulsation, soreness, swelling, redness and insensitivity.
Possible complications
Cartilage infection, excessive scarring, hematomas requiring draining, asymmetry, unnatural look of ears, recurrent protruding of the ear, which require performing the procedure again.
Recovery period
The patient wears a bandage on his head for 2-3 weeks, which does not restrict him/her in normal life. After it is removed, bending the auricle during the night should be prevented by wearing a scarf for several weeks, even in small children. Returning to demanding activity and contact sport is possible in 1-2 months.