Woman Man
Woman Man
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Woman Man
Woman Man

Nail fungus treatment (Onychomykose) with Coolbreeze-Laser

Action price
1x session / treatment of any number of nails 75€
2x session / treatment of any number of nails 139€

Wart removal with Plasmapen

1x treatment (removal of skin formation) 20€
Each additional skin formation 15€

Removing skin protuberances - Cryopen

1x lesion removal 32€
Each additional lesion 20€

Surgical removal of skin growths

Excision of a facial mole* 200€
Each additional mole on the face* 100€
Excision of a mole on the body or limbs** 80€
Each additional mole on the body or limbs** 50€
Injectable local anaesthesia (1 mole) 55€
Histology (1 mole) 20€

Before a mole can be removed, it must be examined by a dermatologist. This examination is not provided by our clinic, but is arranged by the client. The result of the examination must not be older than 3 months (before the excision).

*) Facial moles are removed by a plastic surgeon.
**) Skin moles on the body or limbs are removed by a general surgeon.